Reliable Orthodontic Solutions

Traditional braces may be the best orthodontic treatment option for patients with more complex dental problems.

Instead of going to an orthodontist to have your teeth straightened, you can turn to our practice for all your orthodontic needs. Our doctors have extensive experience working with patients who have uneven teeth, gaps in their smile, or severely crooked teeth.

We will put together a custom treatment plan that straightens your teeth in the shortest time possible!

How Braces Can Help

Orthodontic treatment with braces works to shift the teeth into a new position to create a more even, attractive smile. Braces can correct the following:

  • Crooked teeth

  • Crowded teeth

  • Misaligned bite

  • Jaw problems

  • Crossbite or overbite

  • Underbite


Benefits Of Traditional Braces

Some patients need more extensive orthodontic work which other treatment options like Invisalign® cannot correct. Traditional braces are the tried-and-true method of straightening teeth, and have evolved over the years so there are now many options that do not involve unsightly brackets and metal wires.

Some of the benefits of braces include:

  • Corrects the smile from the inside out

  • Can be part of a smile makeover treatment plan

  • Minimal pain and discomfort throughout treatment

  • Customized for the patient

  • Can transform your life

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Are Braces Right for Me?


If you have always had crooked teeth or are uncomfortable with your smile, orthodontic treatment with traditional braces may be all you need to achieve the smile of your dreams.

Our doctors have extensive experience working on all types of cases and will work closely with you to ensure you get the best possible result. For many patients, undergoing treatment with traditional braces transforms their lives, leaving them feeling more confident and happier.